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(2 edits) (+1)

- The start is too fast, should be slower for someone to understand what to do, also NEVER put quit button on right, i clicked it as a mistake at least 3 times, too many balls for first level(i cant finish it), no music, no transitions and also it is not very ORANIZED, its just chaos 

+ Good idea, good mechanic but hard to point the balls in the right direction, i like the way how you tell us which direction will the balls be moving at start

Overall 5/10 

Yeah, a new ball spawns when you get one in, it's supposed to be an endless thing. Thanks for the feedback!

No i meant too many balls at first, Could have been just like 2 balls at start and then when you get one in there would be 2 more and so on. Its too chaotic at start to learn the mechanic.


Ah, I see. That's actually a good idea.