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not stupid at all! good question. so pick a game system to run - i recommend something rules lite (Cairn, my game Ward, Bastards. are good choices) roll up 1-3 characters. roll up a home town and put it in the center hex. then roll up a magical item "you need to retrieve" using the tables. decided how many hexes away is the "objective" (roll 1d6 then 1d4 to determine direction and distance) - travel to that hex, using the procedures described on the sheet. Enter a dungeon. use the dungeon sheet to create the dungeon, in which you can find the quest item. return it to town. Congrats solo adventure #1 complete (albeit very simple)

HD for creatures = 1d6 each.

Keep it simple at first. treat it like an video game rpg, so after first quest done, include an NPC to give you your next quest. This time, roll it up on the quest generator tables. then run with it!

hope this helps a little


So cool of you to create this and to give this brief tutorial. I watched your interviews with Dungeon Dive and it was very inspiring. To think that you just started in gaming a few years ago and now you're out here writing and publishing your own work. Very impressive. 

I'm really into the idea of solo gaming and I would love to become fluent enough in the genre to create something to scratch that itch. Something in-between the eloquent simplicity of Miru and the crunch of Disciples of Bone and Shadow.

Anyways cheers!


Thank you so much for the kind words! It's been a lot of fun, creating things people enjoy, making new friends, getting better as a maker. Hope your solo journey goes well!

How do the omens work?

ah, they;re just there to add some narrative flavor to your adventure. I like having Omens, when I roll for encounters, instead of just "nothing happens" - it helps bring the world to life for me.
Also, use the omens to drive narrative...if its a voice, perhaps you hear NPC shouting... or a god talking to your PC...if weather changes, perhaps a wizard is at work
I wrote this to be pretty flexible and vanilla fantasy, so freely and widely interpret
Most importantly, have fun and run with it :)