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Im really confused about the different Versions. When i buy the 10$ Version do i get all updates that will come after that?

What would be the best option if im interested in this and both dlc? And which Version would i need to play the DLC?

Also whats the difference between the 1$ Version? Not sure if i understood this correctly - the 1$ Version is getting every update, but later then in the higher priced Versions?

And i saw some people talk about a 20$ Version? Is this still an option and whats the difference with that one?

Latest version 0.15. It has more content than previous versions (0.10, 0.9, 0.8 and so on). DLCs are played separately. You can only buy the DLC and play it without buying the main game.

I think I mentioned this before but perhaps they’d be better understood/received if instead of calling them DLC (which doesn’t quite fit) you call them just “side/bonus short stories”