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It s all good! Bugs add some silly fun to games sometimes! And it wasn't game breaking. Still could play/finish the game, curious if I could have gotten by it the thing... trying to keep spoilers at a minimum and explored... the hallway behind it...

I was researching and I guess that artist has a patreon... I think or a similar service that if you subscribe to it, this was 3am research and half brained at the time, then I guess, DYOR, gives permission to use their music but I get it, gets confusing, editing wise, we can cut the music out of the videos so isn't that big of a deal, just don't know as a game there is any worry. Weirdness of monetization/copywrite but I'm not that cool on YT to have those worries haha. Thought about cutting it out myself and overlaying with a different song but already made a comment during play about the song so figure, screw it, keep it true and green lit it haha

Love the idea of it and totally thought it could have been a folklore thing! Just played through your other game with the woods and ghosts... name escapes me for a second I remember forest and heaven haha, Very creative and enjoyed that aspect, lovecraft/christmas horror story! Cool name idea! I'm awful at name pronunciation so butchering is a must for me haha Gave me slight nostalgic vibes of Werewolf the Apocalypses a little bit, thing there is a tribe that purpose to watch and imprison "evil" beings from causing destruction. Funny side thoughts of the being and yellow snow...
Thanks for hitting back with some answers, always like thinking more about horror games and what's going on in the background and such! Stuff might go over my head sometimes during play but from cults and demons, like a little more lore, keep up the great work! Have to explore more out your games/projects!