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(3 edits) (+4)

Now, that people pointed it out, I also started to notice many similarities between Loken and myself (especially my younger self). And I was diagnosed with Aspergers (though as I've read online, nowadays it's all diagnosed as autism).

One of those similarities is heightened sensitivity to sound, though that is something that I can mentally handle now, except in situations when I'm trying to listen to something or someone. I also still don't handle annoying sounds, like loud chewing (though I don't mind ASMR vids of it for some reason), explosions, bangs and high pitched beeping or buzzing well either.

When I was little I would run away from loud sounds (power tools, vacuum cleaners, hammering). And one time I forgot to switch a PC power supply from 120 to 230 V and it didn't have a switch and as soon as I plugged it in it exploded and I was afraid of plugging in anything for a long time after that. And I am still afraid of plugging in anything that I don't have full confidence of it not exploding.

 Though I do enjoy some loud-ish music from time to time.


It's also one relatively minor reason I don't handle being yelled at well.