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How to solve 6,14 top section?

(2 edits)

6,14 is kind of evil.

You say "top section" so I assume you've just passed the splitter?

You need to revive the cat by pushing it onto the 9 or 3 flag. The only purpose for reviving a cat is to stone one to nuke the 4-flag. Get both cats above the medusa so that one is above the flag and other other directly above the medusa. Move one down to destroy the flag. Then you have just enough movement to get down to the 9-flag, which gives you just enough to reach the top 4-flag.

That doesn't give you enough to reach the top exit though. This is where it's evil, and you learn something new about the way the maps work (although you might have run into it on another level already).

Step out the left exit - there's a hidden tunnel you can use to come back in the right one space closer to the top exit, with 5 movement points.