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(2 edits)

idk what It means by “Wrong fetish mix” and idk how to fix that? Am I supposed to do something different? I’m completely lost as to what to do.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thx in advance.

the Quest is “Bar’s First Impression”

Try these options:

1. Flush the collector (approach > interact > select flush) > milk Kelpie x Bunny then fill the collector with it (1-2 litters or more, to be able to get a new milk cup) > pick it up and try again thru the town or town's entrance.

2. If nothing works, try sleeping (or do something else in the mean time, like level up chars) until next week, then try again. Crowds are reseted/respawned once a week. Or on game restart


i did finally get it to work after i got on the next day. ty for the reply 


Also, when it says "Wrong fetish mix" it means that the NPC only likes the milk from a specific monster. 

Try interacting with the NPC and it will say the name of a Monster's Species. That is the kind of milk you need for them.

yea i found that out after tons of trial and error i assumed it was a wrong mix of pets or something. ty for the clarification regardless!