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A Wish: Using a brass ensemble makes this sound like an epic wish! The trade off from the French horn to the trumpet creates a brighter timbre which feels like a change in the wish. This is a very soothing track suitable for a title screen, as you described.

Sailing: I like the evolution of your main leitmotif to be a bit more light-hearted and faster-paced. This suits a sailing theme well. The low drone makes me think that the water is smooth and calm under the ship that’s gliding smoothly across the water.

Typhoon: Intense and chaotic! I like the use of your horizontal sonic space as it feels like I’m spinning around in a whirlpool with the instruments swirling around me!

An Ocean Under the Stars: The stars are sprinkled throughout this track with the use of twinkly glockenspiel. The addition of the trumpets in the background was the icing that made me feel like this was a true concluding piece. I could definitely picture this accompanying an end-game cut-scene where the main character’s wish is granted. This sure doesn’t sound like you are new to Musescore! Overall great job! Thank you for sharing and I wish you the best at getting more music notation practice going forward!

Thank you very much!