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I've played through the game. Didn't expect this one to be top down 2D game, but didn't mind it. The escalation with the bride didn't really seem to work that well, at first you hardly even notice her, but once you pick up the last item, she becomes relentless.

The first time around, I got a game over while I was putting the sheet music together. I got to the final puzzle while she was in pursuit, so I guess she kept howering around offscreen and randomly caught me during it.

The next time around, I knew where all the items are, so I just started by picking up the one furthest away from the start and then picked up the rest in the reverse order, so that I didn't have to go through the whole area again. That didn't help much, as she basically kep blocking me from the starting area, but I eventually managed to escape and stop the chase. She kept hanging around the entrance to the starting area, but at that point I just put together the sheet music while she was there and got the ending.

It would be a good idea to have some kind of random element to this game that would spawn the items you need at different locations each time, this kind of game really benefits from that.

Anyway, good game :-)

Thanks for the feedback! This jam was a first for all of us so we're pretty proud of what we could put together in just a few weeks. I plan to keep working on it to fix a lot of the game mechanics I didn't get a chance to test much and the ones I just threw in a hack for (when you reach the organ the bride resets back to her starting position in the graveyard to make it a bit easier to sort out the final puzzle) as well as add in the features we couldn't get done in time for the jam.