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The beginning here, making me feel like I'm about to embark on a perilous journey, but I will do so with courage. With the second track, the journey is obviously all good so far, we stare across the ocean with wonder as we sail peacefully. All of that changes though, as we are threatened to be pulled into the abyss! Fortunately things call down, and coming from near death we can once again appreciate the beauty of the world. 

I could definitely seeing MuseScore as a fun way to learn notation, I am clueless there, but you pulled it off well! The  tuned percussion instruments in the fourth song play so nicely with the main instruments, in a seamless and effective way. The rhythm here is nice as well, with full of excitement. 

The length of the OST itself is fine for conveying a short little story, and the feelings accompanied with that. In that sense at least, I felt like they were long enough, even Typhoon, since it's quite action-packed. Well done! :)

Thanks a lot for all the kind and helpful words!