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great collection of tracks!! i think they really set a strong identity for a game through your composition.

some of the tracks felt repetitive after a few minutes in, and i think a larger change in dynamics or orchestration would help alleviate that, but “Blessing of faith (Fairy)” was definitely my favorite in how it finished off the story with a climactic ending - great job overall!

Glad you like these tracks.

For the "change in dynamics" of day and night tracks, it is intended to keep them low. The player may keep sailing for 10 or more minutes in that scene. Keeping a lower contract between sections is a method not to get bored.

Also, as ambient music, it is designed not to add sharp changes to the music. The best ambient music for a game, is, well, just like white noise. It makes some noise and not that noticeable to the player. Honestly, compared to "Elder Scroll", my tracks are not that "ambient".