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And also in the game it was suggested to offer heroes to be added to the game, well, i do not know what exactly you wanted from me here, but i can offer to add heroes from diffrent religions and folklore of diffrent peoples, but how they will look i cant imagine yet. If there is a Fenrir here, then you can add Thor, Chernobog and Buddha, and everyone like that.

Hello Double King, thank you for your interest.

If you permit me, let me explain and clarify few things !

Firstly, this game is a demo and was made in 10 day for a Game Jam. That is why the game feel and was really rushed to be released for my Game Jam, so all the battle, dialogue and exploration part is totally fucked up as you stated ahah. I just didn't have the time to create deep dialogues, and to perfect every systems.

To get character ideas while making the game jam I offered to the other game jam devs from the others games to add their own ideas of character to my own game, which I did. Your ideas are quite nice and I may add them too ! There is 29 characters ATM, and i plan on having at least 150 of them before being happy with that, so there is room for creativity here.

Well that was for the first disclaimer part.

Secondly, the good new is that I am still working on the game ! I fixed a lot of bugs, and added all the missing stuff in the battles, like the level progression (that didn't work in the release), the perks usable, particles effects and sound when you fight, a quest and achievement system ect... However now that i'm not rushed anymore I take my time, I expect to release a second version of the game by start february. And keep on iterating to add more and more feature over the course of the year before starting to release something more consistent here and on steam.

All the stuff like skiping dialogues, a longer tutorial to guid you through battles and upgrading characters, an auto save feature, a player ranking, a connection with an account, and ofc all the story, dungeons, towers challenges and game balance will come along the development at some point. So there is no need to worry.

If you wish too and have a way to be contacted, I can do so when i'll release the next version of the game. 

Again, I thank you for your interest, that's nice to be able to read your messages.

Thanks for explaining everything, really waiting for your next update on a game. For contact i can just press "Follow" button so with next update i get a message.