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(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the comment my man. I have been aware of pretty much every error here, in regards to the audio I literally was recording it with my phone so quality was pretty awful. Story was uhhh disapointing, never really thought about the exiting though. I enjoy the graphical side of game dev the most I just don't have a team to work with which is why most my games end up Lop sided like this one. The lack of content was mostly to a lack of motivation in the game jam.

After seeing the game you made, I think you have potential. All you need is a good tutorial (try Brackeys "How to make an video game" if you are interested and watch more of his videos. Trust me you won't regret it. All you have to do is to want much more from the game you want to create. I know you can do it. ;)