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My work keeps me on the go and my phone crashes too frequently with 2.6.  And it is always interesting to watch how other people play. There's an entire platform for it.


You can enable cheats and manually adjust how much you have progressed in quests and also gallery unlock.

That is what got me through the story my first playthrough. I'm playing on Android and the 2.6 update keeps crashing bc  my phone is crap. So I can't get to that point. Thanks though.

how did you play on android? I use joiplay and it doesn't work, when i open it always showing "reference error require not defined"

You want to search online for an APK version. There isn't an official one. Just download it ((200mb)) and then click on the file you downloaded. It will install automatically.

Ahh thank you

How to get in gallery?

When you go to bed you can "Dream" which is Gallery mode. [I think, I haven't played in a while.]



No problem!