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Hello, I discovered another edition of QB64(??!!) and was very surprised. Strange. Perhaps the user community of QB64 was also split into two groups.

I am quite curious. Is Scrapship being developed with QB64 or QB64 Phoenix Edition? Anyway, the development of Scrapship looks awesome!

I put the links of both editions of QB64 on the following webpage. I hope that people can select the most suitable edition for their uses.


Hi rcbasicfans!

Scrapship was originally developed with QB64 but is now using QB64PE (Phoenix Edition). 

The 2 versions are pretty similar but the PE version is the most current while the original QB64 is pretty much abandoned.

Sometime last year there was quite a shocking event in the QB64 community that you can read about here (and then scroll down to the bottom to the entry dated 2022-04-13).

Thanks for the link to the Game Jam, I'll sign up if it looks like I can squeeze it into my schedule. Regardless I'm looking forward to playing all the submissions at the end.


Thanks for letting me know the story of QB64PE!!

"Thanks for the link to the Game Jam, I'll sign up if it looks like I can squeeze it into my schedule."<----Good. We are waiting for your entry.

"Regardless I'm looking forward to playing all the submissions at the end."<----Welcome.


The voting period of the 4th BASIC Jam began yesterday. You are very welcome to rate the entries. thanks first.

In fact, your comments on entries are always valuable. Sure!