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Well, i finally did it. Yes, you are right, building farms helps a lot. The big problem is electricity, it's for me the only problem in this game. I need at least 700k+ to win my games, i got the same problem for mission 7.

Under 700k, turrets fire 2-3 times and they're out of energy. With thumpers, pheromones and tesla towers, my god all of these tritium reactors and solar panels are useless...

Batteries helps, but they can't reload enough energy to continue firing for all of these DAMN ALIENS :p Really, i enjoy this game, it's super fun. It's the only disadvantage for me.

Also, i see in the video that farms aren't the same as mines, i got the brown ones. Is there a difference ?

P.S: It's also frustrating when a sandstorm appears when the final wave come.... XD 

You're playing a newer version of the game where the farms look different (and better in my opinion).

On the later missions if you can charge like 10 capacitors you should be able to hold off the aliens with 200-300 surplus power. Tesla turrets and especially mortar turrets are very energy efficient.