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Very pretty game, I love the minimalist art you got there.

The mechanic was a bit confusing in the beginning but fun to learn. 

Sometimes the enemies weren't hitting me or didn't trigger the hit sound. I thought I could kill them when jumping on top "Mario style" but it's not consistent. Not too sure what's up with them.

Thank you for the feedback!
Yep, you are right, I didnt put any tutorial for the enemies.

Ill update the itchio page for any new person that wants to play it:
When you wall bounce you enter a hit state, kind of like when pac-man grabs a power and can kill the ghosts, and when you hit the floor you lose that state. When you are white enemies can hit you, but when you are pink you can kill the enemies. This only applies to the flying ones tho.
Sorry for the confusion haha.