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I didnā€™t refer to anybody from the high table. I spent 8 hours+ yesterday on the main Discord Squad and won + was at the top of my team  75% of the time. The games I lost were when I was outnumbered by pros and my teams kept rage quitting or giving up or not even playing. Mind you, my Kills were equal to the highest scoring person on the other team a majority of the time. My Deaths were atrocious no lie, but with time and rest Iā€™ll see you eye to eye or arrow to arrow. You can keep telling me Iā€™m no good until you realize what I have to offer to the game. See you on the battlefield. PS: Iā€™ve always referred to myself as a SemiNoob… apparently one good enough to be laughed at and bullied by pros. ;).

nah lol, I didnt say you werent good, you're pretty good ngl