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well witch doctor to me to say this. 

howl dont call me luv dangit

Use reverse phycology, my friend!

if i do that she'll think i wnat butt pics bruh 💀

oh.... right... I forgot we are dealing with a level 2L idiot here.

ye she think i "lOvE" her. bleugh!

Disgusting.... I would rather kiss a rat than even touch her!

well i think touching a 20 yr old is better than a rat :/

not that 20 yr old.

well im fine i'd ratehr touch howl cause lower chance of getting a disease

a tap on the shoulder wont' be THAT bad, even a slow pat.

yall give her so much importance it's funny

u too


not again


she calls me doggy

ik she told me, what's the backstory if any?

uhh my pfp is a dog that’s about it 

and I call her mommy cus she said I’m her son once or smth like that when I pissed her off once she disowned me and drowned me the next day lol

lol um okayyy

if u think that’s bad u have seen nothing yet

i don't think that's bad

welp there’s worse