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Wow, if you're gonna right a stupid retort, then at least write it correctly.

Calling something that I know and you dont a stupid retort is kinda childish I mean Im not the one whos calling you fatherless and shit like that now am I?

Eh, you've said things similar to it.

When were proof I need proof

disgusting anime pic w/ two humans but u deleted that

Damn never knew those pictures had words on them saying "Howls fatherless" but oh should I post them again?

idk it's your choice maybe a headbutt pic wouldn't be so bad 

This is just a taste. Bowboi never insulted you once.

Ok and when does that say Im fatherless?

? I never called you fatherless. Btw even if you were, you called yourself an orphan, so yes, you would be fatherless.

I said I wassssssss, you know like Was like not I am but like was so that means I was an orphan doesnt mean I am now. If I was an orphan right now I would have said I am.  Is this getting through your thick skull?


Oh dear