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(1 edit)

Hey Inferno, thanks for your patience.

I just tested on Chrome (Version 73) on Windows 10 (I don't have Chrome OS) and I was unable to reproduce the issue you mentioned (even if I click on the red monster when it is in front of any door).

I often use Firefox, and with Firefox on Windows 10 I never had this problem either.

Since I don't have the problem it's tricky for me to debug.

I know that there exists some other ways to publish Pico-8 games, for example by providing a binary executable which must be run on your computer. Maybe with this workaround the problem could be solved. Unfortunately I don't have any experience with this kind of Pico-8 publishing. Are you interested in testing it as an executable? Here's what I can do

Sure, I can give it a shot! A little, uh, learning something new shouldn't hurt.

Great! So I have added 3 binary executables:,,
Could you please pick & run the one which fits your OS ? Thanks a lot!

aaa i didnt have internet srry, sure np

aaa i didnt have internet srry, sure np