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Loved the Game! Unfortunately it doesn't have the same replayability than the first one as the map doesn't change every new game, Nevertheless I played the hell out of it for the entire week and achieved all endings. I was curious if Masoxsim mode has differenet endings or is the same but extremelly complicated and if the near future there was any possiblity of a happy ending where we all survived (is just wishfull thinking). Thank you for such an amazing game!!


I agree that the replayability isn't quite there, but I have some ideas to spice it up in future updates. Let's see if I can do anything about it. The ending is the same in Masochism mode, it's mostly the just for challenge. There are a couple of unique events in it though. And yeah, a happy(er) ending is planned. Not 100% sure about its details but it would probably be one of the bigger updates if it ever materializes. Glad you like the game!

I honestly think the replayability got even better. Since there are so many events to miss on some days! Amazing work, big fan.