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Yeah I should have made the goals much more clear. The idea was that players would follow the dirt path and eventually see everything of interest.

The enemy ghost speed is dependent on the difficulty level. In normal and hard the enemy will move faster than you; in easy mode the enemy will move the same speed as you. The idea is that as you run around he'll be getting closer and closer to you, and then at some point you'll have to run to a teleporter to increase the distance again.

As far as how many pellets you need, it increases each time you buy a fruit. I think if you talk to the trader there is a line of dialog that can appear that will tell you how much you need. On hard difficulty, beating each level one time gives you enough pellets to win.

Thank you for coming back multiple times and trying. That means a lot! Its always really difficult to determine how easy or hard a game is when you've been playing it constantly all week. Its also hard to know what will be clear to a player. I should have done a better job at tutorializing!