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Since they have to release a game every 2 weeks, I don't think they have nor time or resources necessary to carry out the task. 

If you really want to play this  (or any other sokpop game) on your system, I suggest you to install wine. 

(1 edit) (-3)

EDIT: I bought the game & I making video for it

That's succ. The game is Unity!

As long I have experienced, in Unity Build Setting, PC build profile consists of 3 Operating system: Windows exe, Mac, and Linux binary.

Switching those in the setting should be an Easy job. The only things matter is, the recompiling time and library available.

Usually, I assume all libraries are available to 3 of those, as well as the other build profile.

So saying No Linux version when it is Unity, means the dev is lazier than lazy, or refuse to see the potential. This behaviour, tbh, is disgusting. I.e. DISGUSTANG!!! (Meme on YouTube)

This is serious. Even many or some of the Linux game dev able to port from Linux to Windows, and yet, some games are not Unity, but pure C++ !!!

Yeah, seriously.