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First off the game looks really well polished and beautiful! I did struggle with the gameplay though unfortunately, especially in the very first area because it was so small. Between snowballs having a long reload time, enemies taking at least three hits to kill and you having to face your enemies to aim, it's very difficult. If you could have them go down in one hit, or make it so you can spam snowballs, I think it would fix the problem. Overall great game though, incredibly polished for the length of the jam. Keep it up!

I definitely should have spent more time thinking about the aiming, I found it difficult with it being angled so the mouse was not usable for aiming and I thought the snowball was weak to start but with upgrades I thought it would balance it out (clearly not lol) and since you unlock crazy strong Items later like turkey charge / turrets / pudding bombs and campfire kits I didn't worry about the snowballs. I agree the penguins should have been one hit and just spawn them less as the game goes on. I did spend more time making the game look nice with lighting and models made in blender for the environment setting (I never get time for in game jams which worked out). As long as you had fun, I'm happy and thanks for giving it a try.


That's the fun thing about jams right? Getting to work on all the cool stuff you want to do and learning lots in the process :D And the art is super amazing - you did a fantastic job and should be very proud!