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First of all, this looks so good and polished! It has a really cohesive style and the design is very charming. 

Second of all, uh, I can't seem to drag the ingredients to the cauldron at all. I'm on Windows playing on Chrome, using left click and drag on an ingredient and nothing happens.

Also, a suggestion: with games like these, their strong point isn't focused on the gameplay, but rather the worldbuilding and characters. You could focus on that aspect a lot - after brewing, maybe it would be nice to see the bar in its entirety and  see customers just hanging around in it, or find other ways in the game to explore the lore and hear the NPCS talk more, so that we're not always in the brew interface all the time. That way it becomes a very cozy game and adds some level of meta progression, if that makes sense.

I hope you keep working on this game!

Ooh yeah I would love to add that! Thanks for the suggestion, I'll add it to the list! That bug really sucks though, I'm so sorry! Could you tell me what point of the game you were at when this happened? I'll see if I can find out what's causing it so I can fix it after the jam. Thanks for playing and letting me know!

Just found it this has happened to someone else who is playing on a mac, would you mind telling me what screen resolution your monitor is?

I did a bit of messing around and I found that:

I can't drag anything when I'm on my primarily, smaller laptop monitor. I can drag things when I'm on my secondary, bigger external monitor. 

I believe that my smaller monitor just isn't responding to any mouse movements on the right panel of the game, but it does progress the dialogue and can hover over the 3 buttons on the left.

Both monitors are 1920x1080.

Dunno what the issue is, but hopefully you can figure it out. It's probably an edge case for now so don't stress out too much about it, and if anyone else has that problem, see if they have a dual monitor setup. Good luck!

Thank you so much for all the information, that's really helpful and I really appreciate it!