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Hey Carrot. I couldn't resist any longer. I had to make me an account and pay you a little something for your and your team's work. It's hard to begin, also, with a review about this game, that could add on what's already been said by other players.

In short, I'm and advocate of your game. On all of its elements: the humor, the drama, the bravery of writing about the themes you do, amidst other aspects  here... and I'm purposely short, because I could write a whole essay about the value this game has. It is special, above others, even when having some other jewels in  I have been invested in every arc, and the characters, with all their personal  demons to struggle with, are spot on for telling your story. It's astounding the high quality of your game in every aspect, from coding to music arrangements. And the artwork... it sticks to you along the gameplay, to the point you can't even imagine a better way of drawing them for your story. I'm impressed.

About the plot, I know it was not easy to write as piece like this. You have my respects on that regard since games like Easter. I suspect some odd tear came in the process. Thank you for this effort.  And hope you and team to enjoy a beautiful holidays. Sorry for bad English, not my language.  And, as a last comment I'll say, this game,  a glint of your own courage,  made me a bit braver to write my own stuff the way I want. I'll remember it forever with gratitude.

P.S.: spoiler:  Cecil for Best Boy. Genzou for Best Lover :) 

Oh gosh,,, this comment made me tear up a little bit 🥺💦 Thank you so much not only for playing the game but also to go out of your way to make an account and write down your lovely words and thoughts. It honestly brings me so much joy just hearing from people who have played it, and even more so people who say they got something out of the experience.

"I suspect some odd tear came in the process" ---> YES LOLOL this is a very accurate suspicion dhchdhd I have definitely shed more than a few tears on this game, especially the parts that were either closely inspired by my own experiences or were kind of,,, mmm deep rooted wishes I'd been perhaps bottling up a bit. So many parts of this story mean so much to me. 

"made me a bit braver to write my own stuff the way I want" --> OH GOSH FHFHDHDDU now I am really going to cry! It can definitely be difficult to write things that are very important to you. I hope that you'll be able to get all your own words and stories out onto paper 💕 And I'm extremely touched that my story could help give you some courage and confidence??? 😭

Thank you so so much again! This was absolutely the sweetest comment to get and you really made me smile! I'm so glad that you enjoyed the game and took time out of your day to tell me!! 🥰💕