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I'm familiar with shaders only a bit, but yeah I meant pretty much turning a satellite texture into a pixel art sphere. I'm not sure if I need it anymore, but someone else could make use of it, so would you please explain what to tweak?

Ok, so what you could do is:

1.  Put the satellite texture in godot, make sure to enable 'repeat' in the import tab.
2. Load the texture into the shader via something like:

 uniform sampler2D sat_tex;

3. Delete all the old code with the fbm noise, or just leave it and ignore it. Then right before the final color is set, you can do something like:

col.rgb = texture(sat_tex, uv + vec2(time*time_speed,0.0)).rgb;

4. Put the satellite texture into the shader material, and it should display the texture on the planet.

That should work, hope that helps!