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i downloaded this app to try out yesterday and now i am back specifically to gush about how good it is. maybe this wouldn't work for everyone but man... this app really pulls me out of my usual writing funks. i wanna click through things to procastinate ? can't ! app is fullscreen - no tabs or taskbar unless i drag my mouse over to the fullscreen toggle first <3 i want to spend 15 minutes trying to figure out which synonym i want or which word it is that i just cant reach ? i COULD, there's nothing STOPPING me - but it would be a lot easier to just type in a placeholder and keep on going than go out of fullscreen and switch back to firefox for my go-to thesaurus site. some of the backgrounds are a bit Much for me but that is absolutely not a criticism - for other people those will work really well, and the backgrounds that do work for me do a fantastic job at keeping me focused !! it's a good variety of different vibes and motion that has a great chance of reaching all types of people

some of these have been suggested below i believe, but things that i think would be cool:
> basic formatting options - italics + bold
> maybeeee some paragraph customization ?? currently paragraphs automatically sit next to each other like any other line of text which can make the text feel like a bix Jumble of words - this is easily solvable by just adding an empty paragraph space between tho :>
> the ability to toggle volume for the typing sounds - i LOVE them, but when contrasted w/ other background noise at my computer they can be a bit Loud

all in all though. this is a FANTASTIC app and i'm really glad it exists !! thanks so much for sharing it <3

Thank you so much for this lovely comment and your suggestions!