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The New Contra Fusion projects sounds very ambitious indeed...

I would like to take this opportunity ask about Your other game, Contra : Legacy Of Red Falcon.

LORF is somewhat similar to Legacy of War -- it has Life Meter (has to be picked up) and selectable Smart Bomb, Passcodes, switchable weapons, overhead stages etc. It has completely different stage layouts and bosses, different weapons and so on, and is by no means redundant. It is not as polished as Fusion or LOWR, but still very playable and fun.

LORF is not listed on Your page, have You disowned the project?

(1 edit)

It is a pity that the new developers have not done anything in 9 months.

Speaking of LoRF, I didn't add it here for a number of reasons.

1. Like you said, the game needs some serious polishing. At the moment I am not satisfied with the quality of the game and I want to fix many things, but...

2. I lost the source code of the project (only an early version with an incomplete set of bosses and a huge number of problems remained).

3. I released this game 6 years before I created an account here. I don't think it makes much sense to publish a game that is so outdated and in need of improvement.

However, I have not disowned LoRF.