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Woo ^-^ glad you've enjoyed what you've seen so far :3 And that's so awesome that you like them both! Not gonna lie, I have a bit of a softer spot for Castor cos he's like a lost little puppy dog in my eyes x3 but I still have love for Castoria too! 

Honestly, I was supposed to have typed up and posted a walkthrough for all the different paths that can be found in the demo within a week of releasing it, but that clearly didn't happen >.<

I feel like it needs one because some of the paths are pretty awkward to get onto + some of the bad endings require you to do some pretty specific things to reach them. I just kept finding other stuff that needed doing or just didn't feel like it T_T Which is pretty stupid of me because it would've been easier to write a walkthrough when everything was fresher in my mind! So all I've done is make it more difficult for myself when I do eventually get around to it >.<

Aww, that's so sweet of you to say <3 I appreciate you taking the time to check out my stuff and leave such a lovely comment :3