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another small update 

I made a model for a small subway car - normally these things have about 2 - 3 doors on each sites and plenty seats
but turns out that is problematic when you want it to turn on a small level (no surprise there they are designed for straight tracks irl)

a look at the interior - it's fairly low poly but due to the fact it's a moving object it still gave me some trouble
problem is that my collision system is designed for large maps with large sparse triangles
and here we have a mesh with many small densely packed triangles
good news is that it's only a problem for the particle system - things add up with 1000 or so particles that happen
when you break a window .. or the train runs over something - another good news that it only seems to slow
down in debug mode

as you can see there is a small box around each car - the idea is that when a fly travels in your car
then the cars speed doesn't affect it - something something relative velocity and physics .. 
or put it in laymans terms: the particles or throwing a tnt inside look weird without it
anyway the box is there to help with that and is linked to the car

another interesting thing about this level is that the subway path is figured out first
and the rest of the level will be built around it

check it out in action:

until next time!


video looks very good!

thank you!