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I did some writing for a previous jam, and it ended up eating way more of my time than I intended to. I'm impressed you got done with that much before the deadline. I probably would have cheated when making this and killed them in a specific order so I didn't have to write as much dialogue :). I enjoyed the writing a bunch, although, like others have said, it could use a cleanup pass, which is understandable for the game jam. I'm looking forward to playing the updated version!

(2 edits)

Yeah, it was rushed, specially for the final 6 interactions of each character, and the cheat I did was to not add more dialog choices hahaha
But, it also had a positive effect on not making the game too long, and thus with less chances of getting boring.

Oh, and I briefly checked your "Walk and Talk" game and loved the concept. I'll play some more and maybe leave a comment there as well!