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By date locations do you mean the repeatable dates? I can certainly consider that.

I wouldn't add any location without a reason for it in the story. So a shop for the sake of having one doesn't sound too good to me. But that doesn't mean it can't happen at some point.

There are currently 8 main characters, and quite a few side characters as well. I am already spreading myself thin as it is, so I will only be adding one more main character and maybe a few more sides.

Story is the focus of Harem Hotel, that's why 90% of the money you make is without any extra work from you. Totally passive in come. There are only two ways you could grind to make money, Deliveries and Pinups (which have been recently buffed). The double pinups with Felicity and Emma can give you up to $175 per time slot. But I can absolutely understand just wanting to have everything asap for the hell of it.