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I'd still love to see us have the ability to recruit Scar (the main bandit encounter) as a regular lover or party member/roommate. He has such an appealing design and is a pretty interesting character. I'd also still like to see the ability to just...turn off women in general but that's just me. It is sometimes frustrating to get turned down with the dialog that suggests they're uninterested because of my gender despite them doing things at high enough lust.

Similarly, I'd like to see more with Gunnar. Being able to recruit or join him would be pretty fun...or a way to 'convert' him over time into being subservient to us. Would be interesting.


I don't like Scar. I just found him basic, I don't know.

About turn off women I don't agree. The game is not just about MxM content and women NPCs are sometimes really good, like Rose, that is by far my favorite NPC to talk to.


To each their own. Turning him into a companion would give him more depth and make him less basic.

As for this, I suppose I should have been more specific in that I meant turning off Women combat encounters. Aka Female bandits, etc. For ones where they must be present it'd be pretty easy to just genderbend them, such as the Nymphs.


I don't know about that.

I don't think it will be something that is going to happen since it makes no sense to erase female enemies just because you are not atracted to them..?

I think what may happen is your sexual option locking certain interactions with some enemies, like you being a Male and Gay, you would not be able to "Tease" female character nor be teased by them, but again, it does not make too much sense

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When one is misogynistic to the point they can't bear the existence of females in the game they're playing so they just want to "turn off" any female characters with a switch.


I think people need to understand that before this being a porn game, it is a GAME and it has a story and everything. I know people want to play it because they are horny but it's not the only purpose of the game.

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ngl I'm pretty sure everything excluding turning off women is pretty likely for happening, specifically the making Scar a lover because he has a like bar meaning he has a route planned. same with Gunnar, but instead of casual lover I believe he will prolly have maybe 3 separate routes, the "I give in, your in control do what Ya want" route the "Haha were gonna be friends and you're not doing this shit to me so you're going to respect me." and last "reversing the roles, you're the slut now!"