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(7 edits) (+3)(-1)

One of the best VN on this website!

Great story , great characters, great atmosphere, except...

Well, biger tits(especially MC) and big dicks doesn't mean better.That was annoying me for the whole game :)

Saw comments and didn't understand why so many people complain about Valvaran.

Seriously i beaten it with 1st try, not actually 1st, but without starting new game or loading old saves.All i done is making correct moral choices, like let thugs be alive and relying more on skill rather than raw power + didn't used horn because borrowed power not thing that must be relied on.

Btw still don't understand what eye does.Maybe this will  shown up in the future.Like all toys in shop except dildos.

Deleted 363 days ago
(5 edits)



And seems somewhere got 2 Corruption*.I think you can beat Valvaran with Power 65 (without Corruption)

*Guess know where.Pervert me...

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Power: 66
Skill: 18
Corruption: 1

Look like some of the stat is absolutly necessary

Probably Skill or the choice during battle ?

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About choices - you must pick choice which means don't attempt to get 3rd evolution.

I got dead end when chose to attempt.

To be honest, I'm also not having that much of a problem with Valvarn, and I never used the horn or something like that.

Maybe Skill.

Are you tried to "battle with full force" on ring with Michael in early beginning?

If so you missed 1 skill point from "relying on skill"