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This gives me Doom/Christmas vibes, this is really cool and I love the art and how it ties in with the coming holiday. For some reason it's very slow on my browser, so I can't quite get past wave 1, but that's probably just my browser and not the game, haha.

Also the music is beautiful, I usually get bored of Christmas songs but this is a masterpiece!

Thank you so much, Doom x Christmas is exactly what we were going for! 

Development-wise we (clearly) spent more time on visuals than gameplay, so the difficulty is quite unbalanced, it's not you!

I'm really happy you like the music, I was really struggling to make it at first, but then suddenly I just fell into the 'Angry Christmas' swing.

As for the browser slowdown issue, try disabling any ad/content blockers and let me know if it makes a difference (I use Brave browser and Brave shields interferes with WebGL games).