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Hey, so I just wanted to let you know about a small bug I encountered. After the "do-over" at the beginning, when there's the "Of course I know your name, it's..." prompt, for some reason she always says "that's a little on the nose" unless you input Haruka, and always says "you're not one of those... nevermind..." unless you also input Haruka for that as well.

(1 edit)

Noted -- that's the result of trying to account for multiple possibilities in one single instance, and that works and then doesn't... =-= Apologies! Thank you for letting me know tho! :D I updated the available version to remove that occurring.


That's fine. Just another thing, you didn't mark the updated versions with a platform, so they can't be downloaded on the desktop app.

I didn't use butler.... Whoops. @_@ First game woes. I'll fix it!