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Hello. Version 4 is the last version where embedding an image or video works for me. Even in versions 7 and 8 my image does not appear, only the clean button appears. Version 4 works without problems, just to be sure I reinstalled both DirectX and Visual-C Runetimes as you have in the instructions. I tried running QualityScaler.exe as administrator, but it doesn't let me insert images at all then. All my attempts are without any result. I have Windows 10 and the HW matches the requirements. Can you please advise me what I am doing wrong? Thank you!


There is a bug with running as Administrator, so do not use it :)

Can you tell me more informations about your files?  For exampe, extension, path etc :)

Normaly when drop a single image or a single video the app create inside its directory a file called temp.png, is a temporal file to display the image on the app. Can you find this file?

Thanks, I've moved the application directory from Program Files to Desktop, and it's working now. Apparently the program couldn't write to disk, temp.png wasn't being created. It works great now. Thanks.


Thank you for your feedback :D