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There are no words that properly describe how hyped I am for this game! Eva is a total babe (I think I may be in love with her), Jude is giving me some edgy alternative rock/plant mom vibes, Micah is grade A husband material, and Gloria is killing the game without a hair out of place. This not even mentioning the supporting cast, who I adore. I was in tears when I saw the bracelet on Vince's wrist cause I just know Tabby made it, (father of the year for sure)! In the end, the characters, setting, and general aesthetic of the game is having me counting down the days till the May release. 

Thank you and your team so much for putting in all this work to give the public this amazing content! 


Thanks so much! I don't think I mention it in-game but Tabby def made Vince that cute bracelet. I'm really glad you're enjoying the game and hope you like the final product ^^