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The game is good, but the dialogue feels jarring and I finally realized why. The game mostly plays itself. For instance, Rita still flirts with her guy friends regardless of what you choose, the game defaults to guys for randoms on normal mode instead of letting you choose, and core story scenes are removed on LM as well. But all in all, time moves too fast so it feels like being dragged forward in the timeline instead of drifting along (the latter I'm assuming is what you're aimimg for). I feel like this could be partially averted by having a Menu with things like character profiles unlocked as you progess - that way at least it will feel more like a game than a movie.


Thanks for the constructive feedback. 

I agree that the timeline (particularly in Act 1) can move by too quickly. There are also some instances where the story should better reflect player decisions, or otherwise allow more agency. Act 1 is generally the most problematic in this regard, and will be overhauled in a future update. 

In terms of new features, character profiles (or an in-game wiki) are on the to-do list for the future. I'd also like to add bonus unlockable scenes, accessible through the main menu, which would help fill in the gaps for various points in the story that were referenced or not included. Adding some randomized sexual encounters would also help to make the experience more interactive. 

These are excellent ideas! The scenes menu would also be a good way to access scenes skipped in LM.