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(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

XD, but really tho, please try fix ur frames and quality, its hurting my eyes

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Also, do you have time to play? I'm bored


oh man, that last comment came off rude..


sry was touching grass maybe later


sure, maybe tomorrow? I have to sign off pretty quick here


ok see ya tommorow

I don’t have grass :(


xd where the ratio tho


bruh 45 fps good for me 


plus 100$ chromebook recording is my only option not even audio acceptable


even my abt page says my content is low res



There is room for improvement

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

yeah my parents bought the rooms already so.....




im serious tho

yeah. Btw who downvoted all of these comments?

idk bowboi hater?