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my reaction to that information:

ye kick him outta the NU 

jk jk

Now we can use him as a standing point. We accept LGBTQ+ people in the Union!


or am I?

yes we can do that it'll us sound more acceptable and creates a better image

btw i have work logo will be worked on ltr


ye as long they don't get pushy and try to spread it to other nu member or keep talking about it then it's fine but they keep talking bout it they get a free pass to the get-outta here door

yep, lets do it


btw progress of emblem

Im not gay irl 

I'll take your word for it..


ah ok

I not gay it’s just a joke with me sop and some other ppl same with the feet and meth roleplay with sop 

cap you like big burly blackmen

u capping

sensitive subject, I get it.