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Amazing story that pulled me in quickly without feeling rushed. Natural characters in a world of the perfect amount of tropes, fitting and visual-pleasing art, so many things are well-executed here. Many thanks for what you have created and shared with us.

I was expecting but not really focused on the nsfw aspect (honestly, the scalie aspect gave me pause before I started-not much thankfully & hot damn am I glad I left that foolishness in the past lol) Came for the story and appreciated the smut far more than expected. I was in the feels so much that I felt betrayed! In a good way 😄  I'll be spamming- [F5] in the corner while re-evaluating some things until update. 

Refreshing (in an unpleasant but not unenjoyable way) was the  deftly navigated line that kept me annoyed at the MC for some of the internal dialogue and choices made that are plot not player driven, but never enough to break immersion or cross the threshold of not wanting to continue. 

tl;dr: tToF is a VN showcase of precision in execution at the highest grade.

I see this is build 0.9 but I hope that 1.0 doesn't mean the end of the line as this story is super cute. 


The next version is 0.10, not 1.0 so if I have to guess it still has quite a way to go, althought I can't say for certain. The feedback is appreciated)