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There isn't really anything in the way of accessibility options for this game. It doesn't have voice acting or text to speech, and the user interface isn't designed for accessibility.

I understand the importance of accessibility features, and I am sorry that my game doesn't have them and you likely won't be able to play it. Unfortunately, as a solo dev with limited resources, it's something that isn't often feasible to provide. Just getting the minimum viable product out there is often a struggle. My own approach is to do what I can to make my games playable for as many people as possible, but I recognize that's in many cases not enough.

I'm not aware of any playthrough videos that exist, though I haven't specifically looked.

No worries! For some games accessibility definitely isn't realistic so I completely understand. You're 100% okay. I'll try and search for some playthroughs, but it's also ok if there's not any. Have a great day/night!