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Thanks for the feedback!

The Explore Caliber feature is only meant to be played at the very beginning of the game. It fills in the gaps, provides a way to gain easy/simple sex, and adds a new way to make money in the early game. This should result in a much smoother experience when starting. The goal is for the player to never need to click the Advance Time button. (which is something that happened often earlier when there was less to do)


That's what I love about your updates the most - you actually address all of the criticism & critique in our mind :D 

As I said then: The "Explore Calibre" won't affect me (as a veteran player) any bit, but may just do wonders for new players. Good call on your end! That being said, and I know you have it on your mind - make sure that, for example, meeting Autumn early has the appropriate effect!

Again, that's coming from someone who ignored all of the "Religion BS" in your story, including that "weaving the staff of making water move a certain way" kind of rubbish, because to me, the Church of Gaius is just one enemy to slay. 

Then again, I may expect from the story what noone should realistically expect...