Haha, yeah x3 Well, I can't be blamed for any of that cos I didn't write this one. This game is pretty much just a fan localisation of an old Japanese drama CD series. Cos of it being someone else's story, I didn't wanna poke my nose in and change too much as far as the story and characters are concerned, so I've basically taken my friends' rough English translations of the CDs, tried to localise em and write a more fluent script for English language, and then turned it all into a VN :D In the CDs though, it's only dudes. I just figured it would be more fun and inclusive if I also made female versions of all the characters in the series :3
Admittedly, none of the characters in the entire series are particularly strong yandere characters, despite the series' title, and I feel like the whole thing has a more kinda comedy element to it with how over the top they can end up becoming with their yandere antics xD It was a series that I had fun with though and which made me smile as I listened, so I'd hoped to localise it at some point as a fan project just out of appreciation for it pretty much!
You're right though, it's the same with the male characters :3 It's possible that maybe the story fits better with the male characters since the original characters in the CD are all male. Maybe some parts come across a bit dodgy with the female versions cos I didn't change any of the script I don't think.
Also, each volume in the CD series is a completely new pair of crazy characters, haha. And as far as I can remember, that first volume wasn't one of my favourites in the series because I wasn't really a fan of either of the characters! I feel like the voice actors for this fan version though make me like all the volume 01 characters more though :3
Cheers for checking it out :D