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Nicely done. Congrats on finishing your game!

Your premise, despite being "3D flappy bird" was really intriguing and a neat take on the theme. The presentation is pretty cool, too. The little chittering echo and minimal graphics are a nice combination. Unfortunately, the gameplay just didn't click for me. I know flappy bird is notorious for it's difficulty, but the 3D element here made this feel almost impossible. In combination with the intentionally obscured walls, I couldn't make it past 14%, and even that was about 1 in 4 runs. I didn't even make it past the first obstacle until my 4th or 5th try because it feels like there's no time to get used to the controls. I think in this case - your use of theme is so strong that you could have dialed back on adhering to it in service of gameplay and you'd still high score for theme. Giving players that chance to feel like they can do it is really important. 

Anyway, you should be super proud. This can't have been easy to make solo and it turned out to be a great little project. I just wish I could have seen more of it!

Keep making games!

PS - When I read your game description, I did a wild double-take:

"I originally was going to make a game that contained a bunch of mini games that each had their own cliché [...]"

That's what we ended up with!


Thanks a lot! Yeah I do regret leaving in that first obstacle - having played the game so many times its easy to me now it was something I overlooked.