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I love the visual style of this. Such a nice shader effect and having an extremely limited color palette works really well here. Just driving around the boat also just felt very satisfying and a lot less confusing than I expected at first.

I feel like the storytelling was a little pale in comparison. Spoler Warning for the following paragraph.

It wasn't really clear to me at all what was my agency in the story for a long time and when it was finally revealed, the first thing I thought was "how on earth did the parcels survive being subjected to the ocean for so long?". Which might just mean I'm a bit of a killjoy, but I thought that was a bit too much of a stretch. Also, some plot points seemed to not really go anywhere, or maybe I just didn't quite get them.

Also, I'm not exactly sure how parcel spawning works, but it seems like something buggy happened the first time I played this, where I just couldn't find any more parcels after the first one.

Hope this doesn't sound too negative, I really enjoyed this game a lot, great job!

Thank you!

I made the story fairly simple and hazy since I'm quite unexperienced with writing. I didn't want to spend too much time on it too because it's hard to finish a project when you focus too much on certain aspect - I really wanted to publish it as a small toy to spend a few minutes with and relax. Of course I agree it could be better :)

A bit of mechanics spoiler - next parcel is spawned roughly in the direction you are currently heading. If you move to fair away from it it spawns again somewhere in front. It's a simple logic that works most of the time, but it seems that sometimes it can make the search a bit too long.

Thank you for the feedback, glad you liked it despite the shortcomings :)