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I get an error any time I try to open on mac is anyone else having this issue?

What's the error

  1. I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 207, in script call call _gl_test File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 390, in script $ gl_test() File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 207, in script call call _gl_test File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 390, in script $ gl_test() File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 390, in <module> $ gl_test() File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 317, in _m1_00gltestgl_test _gl_performance_test() File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 342, in _gl_performance_test ui.interact(suppress_underlay=True, suppress_overlay=True) Exception: CoreAudio error (AudioQueueStart): -66681

Sometimes I get no error but the game still won't open sometimes I get what the other guy said